Your Intro

Space for a description, an introduction of yourself or your company or a smart slogan - be creative and use some keywords for search engines! By the way: On the right side you see Orbit Slider - the responsive slider shipped with Foundation/Zurb!

Here is a caption... Here is another caption... Here is the last caption...

Enjoy it, it´s free!

ResponseEve is responsive, fresh, modern, bold and completly free. You may use it for both private and commercial projects. If you like it and if you want to show some respect for my work, consider not to remove the link in the footer - though it is not required. Anyway, do me a favour and spread the word! Don´t provide these files for download anywhere else. Link to the article and demo instead.
Read the full license here (German and English).

Please understand that - due to the fact, that this is free - no service is provided for this template. But I am available for freelance jobs! ;-)

Download me!

This is a quote

"You can use it with or without green or grey box. The classes are: quote, green, grey. The boxes are meant to attract attention - don´t use them extensively." SiGa (

Foundation from ZURB

This template is responsive!
It is based on the famous Foundation framework, the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.

Visit the website!

Version 3, down to IE8

Foundation is currently on version 5, but to keep Eve compatible with older browsers, I decided to use version 3. But you can switch to version 4 or 5 (mobile first) - please read their docs!

Orbit Slider

The slider is the great responsive Orbit Slider, which comes with Foundation. It´s able to slide pics and content. Visit the docs to find out more about the features and the options you can use!

New: Icon font!

To keep it slick, I have included only a small amount of icons created with Fontello. You can create your own set or - if you need a lot of them - use the BootstrapCDN instead.

Foundation from ZURB

This template is responsive!
It is based on the Foundation framework, the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.

Icon font

I have included only a small amount of icons created with Fontello. You can create your own set or - if you need a lot of them - use the BootstrapCDN instead.

Font 'Oswald'

Oswald was created by Vernon Adams (who made other nice free fonts, too), it´s embedded with @font-face. You can download it here, for example (SIL-license).


Foundation has forms already covered. To see some examples, visit the contact page of this demo. Explore new features like modal windows!

Hey, let your creativity flow and create something great!

You can use this as a ticker!

You can use this somewhere else on this page, too, of course.

Write anything you want here!

You can display some news, if you want.

Or maybe some important infos.